The Cost of Changing Jobs in Trucking Industry

In many jobs, the grass always seems greener on the other side. This is especially true with trucking jobs. Read on to know the cost of changing trucking jobs.
HIdden costs of changing jobs in the trucking industry

In many jobs, the grass always seems greener on the other side. This is especially true with trucking jobs. In fact, the American Trucking Association (ATA) reports many truckers change jobs within a year, giving the trucking industry one of the highest job turnover rates in any industry. Given the cost of changing jobs, that’s a lot of extra expenses.

More money, better routes or increased home time can all be effective lures to jump ship (or should we say trucks). In fact, changing companies has become almost as common as truck stops and tollbooths.

There are a lot of things to consider before you make a move to a different trucking company. In fact, once you look at the cost of changing jobs, you just might decide to stay put. Before you jump at the first offer that pays a little more or seems to have better benefits, it pays to consider the cost of changing companies.

What are the costs of changing jobs?

Ready for paperwork? You’ll need to fill out new tax forms, health insurance and direct deposit paperwork with the new company.

You’ll have to roll over your retirement funds from the previous employer as well.

Watch your cash flow and find out when you’ll get your first paycheck from the new company.

There may be a waiting period before your new health insurance takes effect. You’ll will have to possibly change doctors, adjust appointments and get new prescriptions with any job change.

Changing companies can also result in a loss of seniority, vacation time, vesting in retirement or profit sharing plans.

Changing companies could be like starting all over again.

Talk to current truckers with the company you’re joining to see how challenging the move was for them. Were promises kept? Was the pay and home time what you expected? If not, you might find yourself dealing with the same issues, just with different players.

What if you didn’t change jobs?

You know, most companies value their best employees — trucking companies are no different. If you have a specific concern, before you make the decision to jump, pull your ideas together and talk with your current employer. There might be a solution less drastic than starting over somewhere else. It’s possible they can get you a different route or additional pay.

Finally, you might not think you’re going to stay in trucking, but then who knows what your job scene might look like in a few years. It’s good to remember some companies don’t hire people who hop around every year. Jumping from job to job can signal instability or immaturity. No company wants that, especially on dedicated routes like the ones operated by CRST Dedicated Services.

We like our truckers to build relationships with our clients and represent our company well. If you’re interested in making an investment in your trucking future, we are, too. Contact our recruiters at 1-866-325-2778. Find your career path. Remember, we’re serious about trucking and want drivers who are, too.