Are you a New Truck Driver? Read These Tips to Prep for Your Future on the Road

If you're new to truck driving, there's a lot of things you may not know to do to help keep you safe and comfortable while you're on the open road. Read these tips and tricks to help prepare you for your new career.
New Truck Driver Trips | CRST Dedicated

Are you new to the truck driving industry? If your answer is yes, be sure you take a look at these helpful tips before heading out on the open road. If you’re still on the fence about taking on a trucking career, or feel like you don’t have enough experience to drive for CRST, keep in mind CRST Dedicated has plenty of opportunities for aspiring and amateur drivers.

Be prepared for winter driving

If you’re driving in the Midwest, sooner or later, you’re going to have to drive on icy, snow-covered roads. It’s best to think ahead when this time of the year comes around and prepare accordingly.

  • Keep a bag of salt in your truck- Having a large bag of salt can help you get out of a bind during those winter month full of slick roads. Salt not only melts snow, it provides traction for your tires after the ice melts.
  • Invest in a Heated Blanket- In winter it’s possible the temperature of your truck could drop. Having a heated blanket could be the differentiator between a good night’s sleep and a bad night’s sleep.
  • Take Your Time- You should always drive cautiously and at safe speeds, this is especially true during winter weather. Don’t let anyone push you to drive faster if you feel uncomfortable. The last thing you want is to get in a trucking accident.

Ask questions

You’re a new truck driver, so you’re not going to know everything of the bat — and no one expects you to. Don’t be afraid to ask questions, whether you ask a fellow trucker or your driver-manager. Communication is key. Don’t make an assumption and leave the outcome to chance.

Maintain a healthy diet

This may seem simple but it’s easier said than done. When you’re a new driver it may seem appealing to just pick up fast food at one of your stops.

Eating healthy can be hard but planning and prepping meals in advance can save you time and money in the long haul — not to mention your body will thank you as well. Invest in a cooler to store your meals, if you have access to a 12 volt outlet in your truck you can purchase a 12 volt cooler to keep your meals fresh. In addition, stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water. Dehydration is directly linked to a lack of focus and slow reaction times.

Keep yourself entertained

Although the scenery can be beautiful when truck driving, it’s likely you’ll get bored eventually. Invest in some good audiobooks, music or podcasts to pass the time. Many podcasts you can find for free.

Success takes time — keep a positive attitude and don’t give up!

Every job comes with learning curves and adjustment periods. New truck drivers have a lot to learn. Don’t just call it quits when the going gets tough, push through it and communicate your questions and concerns often. No one’s going to know you’re struggling with something unless you tell them. Don’t beat around the bush — be up front!

CRST Dedicated cares about your success and your happiness, we offer great pay, home time and plenty of opportunities for truck drivers new to the industry. If you have questions, just contact us. If you’re already on board, search our listings to find what you are interested in.