Trucking Is in Shannon’s Blood

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A love for trucking runs in Shannon Williams’ blood.

When Shannon was a little girl, she went to work with her dad, who was in the trucking business. She’d help him with tasks like oil changes, greasing and cleaning his truck.

Later, when Shannon’s mother retired from Walmart, she went into the trucking industry as well. Her mother, 83, still works in trucking.

Wide Opportunities at CRST

The Taylorsville, Kentucky, resident joined CRST in 2000. She was a driver for Pegasus Transportation, has worked in the maintenance shop and today she works as a safety advocate in the office, promoting road and personal safety.

She left the company briefly in 2008 but came back. “It truly is a great place to work” she said.

Shannon likes that CRST companies “don’t hold you back from anything and give you opportunities and promotions from within. They are a diverse company and easy to work with.” She added “safety is priority and I love being a part of that.”

As a driver, she enjoyed seeing so much of the United States and especially enjoyed the openness out West. Shannon still drives occasionally for road and shop testing.

Many of Shannon’s favorite work memories are of gatherings with co-workers. She enjoys the feeling of family at CRST. “Everyone has each other’s backs,” she said.

The Right Mindset for Trucking

Shannon credits her mother as her inspiration for a career in trucking. She said her mother also “taught me how to be a lady in a man’s world.”

She said some women believe they can’t drive in this male-dominated industry. That’s not true, Shannon said.

“Don’t let anyone tell you that you can’t, because you can,” Shannon said. “You can do anything you set your mind to. It’s an honorable, well-paying career that moves America.”

Any words of caution from this safety advocate? “Be vigilant about road safety, personal safety and stay true to yourself,” Shannon said.