Trucking Career Options: Solo Driving vs Team Driving

Both team truck driving and solo truck driving have their merits. It's up to you to weigh the pros and cons of each option to decide what will work best for you and your trucking career.
Truck Driving Options: Solo Driving vs Team Driving | CRST Dedicated

So, you’ve decided to pursue a career in trucking. Great. Now it’s time to make some decisions; one of those being do you want to drive solo or drive with a team?

There are pros and cons to both. It’s ultimately up to you to decide which will be the best fit. Here are a few pros and cons to weigh before you make a choice:

Team Driving

Team driving is when one truck driver and another truck driver agree to sign on with a carrier and make runs together. Team driving allows the haul to be transported in a more timely and efficient manner. While one trucker drives the other rests or relaxes in the truck during their off time.

Team trucking can be done with a co-worker, a friend, or in some cases, a spouse, many married couples looking to embark on new adventures together take on team truck driving as a career. This is especially common with empty-nesters who no longer have obligations to stay at home and would like the extra income to throw into a retirement fund.

Too much quality time

One of the biggest negatives when it comes to team truck driving is too much company. In other words, you’re spending a lot of quality time with this person, which can sometimes lead to less than ideal circumstances. You’re not always in control of your trip, someone else is occasionally taking the wheel and is deciding when and where to stop.

Less Loneliness, More Money

On the flip side, having that company can be one of the biggest positives. You have someone to chat with, which can leave you feeling less lonely at the end of the day. Not to mention, team drivers can often make more money than solo drivers. This isn’t always the case but as a team driver you often drive more miles than you would as a solo driver, and carry more time-sensitive loads, which means more money — think about it, you’re paid for every mile, even if you’re not driving!

Solo Driving

Both team and solo truck driving have their merits. If you’re someone who likes to have complete control over your career, you might be better off hitting the road solo. You’re the only one responsible for how quickly you get to your destination, you choose what’s on the radio and you choose where and when to stop for rest.

Solo driving allows you time for reflection. If you’re someone who likes to be alone with their thoughts while admiring the scenery, solo trucking might be the best choice for you.

You run the show

You have sole control over your space and your driving techniques. When you’re on a solo trip, you don’t have to worry about how your bags are packed, if your bed is made, and what type of music or podcast you’re listening to. The space is entirely your own, so you don’t have to worry as much about its organization, as long as you’re comfortable and everything’s safe.

More lonely, less rest

Although venturing out on your own can be a perk, it can also be a negative. Being alone for long periods of time can lead to depression or just a general sense of loneliness. Plus only you are responsible for making it to your destination on time, so if you’re cutting it close to your deadline you don’t have the option to swap drivers if you’re feeling restless, bored or just could use a 20 minute cat nap.

Ultimately the choice is yours. CRST has a ton of different driving options available, take a look at our current openings to find an option that best fits your needs.