Earning Her Place and Providing for her Family

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Terry Kilgore started driving trucks for a living in the ‘80s. Back then, men were not very accepting of women doing the same jobs, said the resident of Lookout Mountain, Georgia.

She heard plenty of comments about a woman’s place being at home, in the kitchen and having babies.

Terry needed to work, however. She had become the sole provider for her family. Her husband at the time, a Vietnam vet with PTSD, was unable to work.

“I found myself having to provide for a family of five. I have a daughter and two sons. I couldn’t make enough money to support us working at home,” Terry said.  “Men didn’t realize that (women) needed the opportunity to provide for our families.”

Today, she’s an over-the-road, owner-operator for CRST Specialized Transportation in the exhibit fleet. She’s earned her place in the trucking industry and is a valued member of the CRST family.

“Once you prove how good you are, you earn your respect,” Terry said.

She Loves her Career in Trucking

Terry works 70 hours a week and travels to big cities like New York City, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Miami and everywhere in between. Her favorite stretches of road are those out West.

“I always wanted to see the country. I love to drive,” said Terry, who travels up to 750 miles in a day.

Terry has been with CRST for nearly seven years. She likes the friendly people here. “The other exhibit drivers are like my family. We help each other and work together as a team,” she said.

She believes it is important to keep a positive attitude and be kind to others.

“Terry is a good-hearted person and one of the best drivers that we have,” said her dispatch manager, Kim Hake.

Terry is especially proud of the recognition she received on a recent Safety Day. She was awarded a leather jacket and a plaque. Dinner and box seats to a ballgame followed. “They really made me feel appreciated,” Terry said.

She’s pleasantly surprised by the number of women in trucking these days, and she encourages other women to just “do what you love to do” and get lots of practice.

“Make us proud. If you’re going to do this, be good at it.”