Driving Your Semi-Truck in the City?

Driving a semi-truck is no easy feat. Semi-trucks are typically 48-53 feet long and can weigh from 35,000 to 85,000 pounds. It’s hard enough driving a big rig as it is but add bumper to bumper traffic and honking horns into the mix and things get pretty tense when driving a semi-truck in the city.
driving semi truck in city

Here’s a few Tips to Get You Through Rush Hours Traffic

Driving a semi-truck is no easy feat. Semi-trucks are typically 48-53 feet long and can weigh from 35,000 to 85,000 pounds. It’s hard enough driving a big rig as it is but add bumper to bumper traffic and honking horns into the mix and things get pretty tense when driving a semi-truck in the city.

Before heading out on your next trip through a city or metropolitan area, keep these three city driving tips in mind:

Keep Your Distance

It’s already congested and claustrophobic to drive in a big city. Don’t make your experience worse by driving to close to anyone. The last thing you want is to rear end someone on a busy street – talk about a traffic jam.

Make Time to Take Time, Start Earlier than Normal

Cities are notorious for random traffic jams and unexpected roadblocks. So, no matter how much planning and research you’ve done it’s always a good rule of thumb to leave 30 minutes to an hour earlier than you need to. Try and be early for your drop and hook appointments if you know they’re in a crowded city. Being early, will give you time to scope out where you’ll need to pull in and how you’ll need to maneuver your truck and trailer.

Research Your Route

Don’t just rely on your GPS, GPS systems don’t always warn you about potential roadblocks. For example, if a big event or concert is happening through areas you’re driving through or if roads will be block for parades or other outdoor gatherings. Not to mention cities with weight or height limits in specific locations.

Driving a semi-truck in the city, especially a big city, doesn’t have to be nerve-wracking, just be cautious, alert, and informed. And don’t forget to follow these trucking tips! Another final tip: Consider talking to your fellow truckers for some additional city driving tips. Your peers will certainly have valuable input to share. Check out more trucking tips on CRST’s Trucking blog.