A Day in the Life of a Truck Driver

A Day in the Life of a Truck Driver

Truck driving isn’t your typical 9 to 5; trucking is a lifestyle. Here are answers to a few common questions you may have if you’re considering a truck driving career, and a look at the life of a truck driver:

What does a typical day look like?

The time truckers dedicate to a typical workday is a big part of the truck driving lifestyle.

Long-haul truck drivers, also known as over-the-road (OTR) drivers, tend to drive a lot of miles during a single work day and routes can be different every time. Contrary to popular belief, solo truck drivers still have plenty of down time during their work weeks. In fact, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) outlines very strict regulations that govern a truck driver’s work day to prevent driver fatigue and promote a healthy lifestyle.

However, if you choose to become a dedicated driver, your route will be consistent, which leads to more consistent and reliable day-to-day hours. Dedicated drivers also are able to build relationships with the customer they’re serving, getting to know the employees you’ll work with on a regular basis. A dedicated driver would typically pick up a delivery for a big box store and drop loads off at big box locations or hubs within a specific region.

How do truckers keep the boredom at bay while on the road?

There are many safe options for truckers to stay entertained while driving. With satellite radio, music streaming apps, podcasts and audiobooks, it’s become easier than ever to keep your mind active behind the wheel. Also, with hands-free headsets and Bluetooth connectivity, it’s become safe and easy for truckers to talk to friends and family while on the road.

Technology also has made it easier to stay entertained while resting at the end of a workday. Some trucks include monitors that can be hooked up to laptops or Blu-ray players to watch movies or television in the truck. Most drivers have access to WiFi while on the road, and a smartphone can provide a hot spot to get WiFi access almost anywhere. Drivers also can relax by playing video games on a phone or tablet when they’re taking a break or done for the day. Depending on one’s location, a driver also can walk, or take an Uber, to places like a movie theater, restaurant or other attraction.

Where do truck drivers sleep while on the road?

Truck drivers have several options when it’s time to get some rest. Here are some of the most common options:

  • Company facilities – Truck driving companies sometimes have company facilities dotted along their routes, providing drivers a place to sleep at night.
  • Rest stops or hotels – Truck drivers also sleep at rest stops, truck stops and hotels.
  • Sleeper cabs – Sleeper cabs are rigs that have beds behind the driver’s seat. These come in many sizes including singles, doubles, or even double bunks for team drivers.

How often do truck drivers come home?

This question connects back to OTR and Dedicated truck driving. Your home time will likely depend on what sort of trucking you’re looking to do. Dedicated driving often provides drivers with more home time. In addition to more home time, you also tend to receive more consistent pay due to your consistent routes.

Despite common misconceptions, trucking doesn’t always mean you’re gone from home for days or weeks on end. At CRST, you have control over what sort of trucking career you’d like to pursue, and CRST can provide the training to get you started in a great rewarding career.