Charlie Watkins’ Milestones

Hear how 35-year CRST driver Charlie Watkins stays safe and successful.
CRST driver Charlie Watkins waves from his truck after achieving a major milestone of 4 million safe driving miles.

Team CRST was thrilled to celebrate driver Charlie Watkins’ four-million safe mile achievement in August. He ranks in the top three highest-mile drivers in CRST history.

Charlie Watkins will reach another milestone this week—35 years with the company! With that many accolades, you might wonder if retirement is around the corner for this overachiever. “I have no desire to stop. I’m healthy and I really love being out here. I get to see different places and meet new people. It’s a great job and I love working for CRST. They’re very good to me,” said Charlie.  

We appreciate your dedication to our safety and success, Charlie! Find out what makes this dedicated driver so successful.