A Milestone to Celebrate: Jurupa Valley Shop Records Injury-Free Year

On Sept. 13, CRST’s Jurupa Valley shop reached an incredible milestone when they officially recorded 365 consecutive days without an injury at the site. Considering an accident can happen in a split second, it’s an impressive achievement worth celebrating.
CRST diesel mechanic celebrating one year injury free

On Sept. 13, CRST’s Jurupa Valley shop reached an incredible milestone when they officially recorded 365 consecutive days without an injury at the site. Considering an accident can happen in a split second, it’s an impressive achievement worth celebrating.

Jurupa Valley, a location with about 50 employees, handles maintenance, repairs, and warranty work on thousands of trucks and trailers a year. When you do the math, the team worked more than 104,000 hours without an incident.

“I’m really proud of the Jurupa Valley team and their commitment to safety,” said Theron Thomas, service manager at CRST Jurupa Valley.

“This is a significant milestone that truly exemplifies their dedication to the I AM SAFETY culture we’re trying to create.”

In honor of this recognition, the shop held an all-employee cookout on Wednesday, Oct. 11, for the team and their families. It’s just one small token of appreciation for their dedication to safety.

“It’s nice to work for a company that celebrates safety like this, said Hailee McDonald, training administrator at CRST. “We spend a lot of time and effort on our training and reinforcement of safety procedures, so it’s gratifying to see their hard work pay off.”

To learn more about #IAMSAFETY at CRST, visit our website at CRST.com/Safety.