Along for the Ride Podcast #10 – CRST Owners, John Smith & Dyan Smith

CRST owners John & Dyan Smith join us for our tenth episode. John is CRST's Chairman of The Board. Dyan serves on the Board of Directors. John & Dyan share stories about the company founders, Herald & Miriam Smith. John recounts how his grandfather owned a trucking company back in the 1930s and how his father started CRST.
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CRST owners John & Dyan Smith join us for our tenth episode. John is CRST’s Chairman of The Board. Dyan serves on the Board of Directors.

CRST Owners John & Dyan share stories about the company founders, Herald & Miriam Smith. John recounts how his grandfather owned a trucking company back in the 1930s and how his father started CRST. Dyan discusses Smith Family Christmases and how their children became the 3rd generation of the Smith Family involved with CRST.

Also on the show, Director Of Saftey, Terry Pump talks about the CRST Winter Safe Driving Campaign and the options that driving partners have to operate safely during the winter months.

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Join us on Episode 10 – Along for the Ride.